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LNP KEY - Wood traceability solution

To make the prototype of an innovative traceability system dedicated to wood primary processing.

(2011 - 2014)

About the project:

The wood primary processing industry is highly dependent on the quality of its supply management. LNPKEY focuses on tracking wood from its entering the park until its first transformation. This choice is justified by the current lack of solution to relate the characteristics "forest" and the characteristics "timber" in real time and per logs.

LNPKEY proposes to make the prototype of an innovative traceability system dedicated to wood primary processing, which improves the management of companies' lumberyards to better manage raw material. Deployment of LNPKEY solutions may well demonstrate the benefits of data capitalization and its restitution in real time to improve competitiveness.

ALPhANOV roles:

Development of the reading laser.


  • Ciris Ingénierie
  • FCBA
  • FPBois
  • ITM


CRA, Oséo